
Friday, October 7, 2011

Reducing Obesity in the Workplace

A number of studies have found obesity significantly raises workers' compensation claims. Some companies are responding by offering healthier foods in their cafeterias, providing on-site fitness facilities and encouraging physical activity during work breaks.

If your company has not yet subscribed to these ideas, take the initiative yourself. Instead of coffee breaks, go for an exercise break:
  • Walk to a different floor of the building (or across the building) to use the restroom.
  • Walk up and down the stairs several times (even if you have nowhere in particular to go).
  • Go for a walk at lunchtime. Recruit a friend to go with you.
  • Keep a set of hand weights under your desk and do sets of curls or other arm exercises several times throughout the day.
  • Do a set of lunges or squats at your desk.
  • Walk to a colleague's desk instead of calling or emailing.
  • Stand up and walk around while you are on the phone.
  • S-T-R-E-T-C-H your arms, legs and back several times every day.
  • Suggest a walking meeting to brainstorm ideas with colleagues.
Taking small "steps" to increase your activity level each day is a great way to build up to a bigger, more robust exercise plan. Spread the word, encouraging your coworkers to join you for these activities. A healthy workplace is a happy workplace.

For more tips on eating right whether at work, home or on the go, consult a registered dietitian in your area and visit the American Dietetic Association's Nutrition for Life.

Information from American Dietetic Association's Tip of the Day

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