
Friday, June 29, 2012

An RD & CSA: Week 5

I'm still eating leftovers (and trying to pawn food off on my friends) from this past week. The squash, zucchini, and cucumbers have taken over both my fridge and weekly menu.

I love leftovers but I can't eat the same thing too many times before I'm burnt out. So I freeze what I can't eat.. and then try a new recipe. I tried 6 new recipes in the last 7 days. Needless to say, I was in the kitchen a lot. Probably my favorite place to be though so no complaints...

I did go out to dinner last night. One of the specials involved squash.. I passed. I get enough of it at home!

Straight neck squash, garlic, white and green cucumbers, lettuce, spring onions, arugula, cabbage, zucchini, radishes, potatoes

{ Week 5 Share and Recipes}
Squash: cheesy pasta bake
Lettuce + radishes: salad
Cucumbers: salad, Quinoa with Cucumber, Black Beans, and Sesame Seeds (recipe below), California Bowl
Spring onions: Easy Pad Thai with Shrimp
Cabbage: Roasted Cabbage
Zucchini: Rustic Lentil Spaghetti
Potatoes: roasted
Garlic + arugula: both survived the week, to be cooked this weekend!

Have you ever cooked a cucumber? I've only ever had them raw. Cumbers on a salad.. in sushi.. with vinegar and salt.. etc.

In this recipe, cooked cucumber! I don't know why I never thought of this before.. guess I was just mindlessly following the masses and enjoying my raw cucumbers.

Never had quinoa? Try it in this recipe! Quinoa + beans = full so you can easily make this a main dish (I'm actually having it for lunch today).

{ Recipe }
Makes ~ 3 (1 cup main dish) or 6 (1/2 cup side dish) servings

1 cup quinoa, uncooked
1 tsp olive oil
2 spring onions
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 cucumber, medium, diced (remove the seeds if you want)
1/8 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
1/2 tsp black pepper
4 tsp soy suace
2 1/2 tsp brown sugar
1/2 cup black beans, cooked
sesame seeds, toasted
Cook the quinoa according to package directions.

Heat oil over medium-high heat in large skillet. Add onions and garlic, saute for 1 minute. Add cucumbers, saute for 3-4 minutes (cooked but still crisp).

Add red pepper flakes, black pepper, soy sauce, and brown sugar. Add black beans, quinoa, and sesame seeds.

Helpful hint: Put your fork/spoon down in between bites.. this helps you slow down instead of inhaling your food (always guilty). It takes 20 minutes for your belly to tell your brain you're full! Take. Your. Time.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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