
Monday, July 9, 2012

An RD & CSA: Weeks 6 and 7

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!

Tis the season for cook outs and fun by the pool. I was in such a rush to get to my July 4th cook out that I didn't take a picture of week 7's share. Sorry about that! Week 6 was both beautiful and delicious.. See below for recipe ideas.

Swiss chard, turnips, spring onions, potatoes, purple cabbage, squash, arugula, zucchini

 { Week 6 Share }
Turnips + potatoes: Mashed Potatoes and Turnips with Horseradish
Purple cabbage: sauteed with garlic, served on bratwursts and hamburgers
Squash: veggie kebobs

{ Week 7 Share }
Kale: Spicy Kale Stuffed Shells
Tomatoes + tomatillas + onions: salsa (recipe below)
Green beans: roasted
Zucchini + squash: more zucchini dip from week 6

This is what happens with Dietitians plan cook outs!
So obviously our cook outs are not short on veggies.. or colors! For the most part, everyone has their go-to cook out contribution. I usually include salsa in mine.

I couldn't tell you the last time I bought salsa at the grocery store. I prefer to throw ingredients together at home. Needless to say, I was super excited to see both tomatoes AND tomatillas in my share last week.

Salsa at a pool party is pretty much a necessity. Sometimes I use fresh tomatoes, sometimes I use canned - whatever I have around. I actually added a can to my fresh this go round to bulk it up.

{ Recipe }
Homemade Salsa
3 tomatoes, medium
2 tomatillas, medium
1 onion, medium
1 jalapeno (with or without seeds, depends on your heat preference)
3-4 garlic cloves, minced or chopped
1/2 bunch of cilantro
1 can of diced tomatoes (low/no sodium is even better!)
Lime juice
Salt and pepper

Quarter the tomatoes, remove seeds so the salsa is less watery. Quarter the tomatillas and the onion. Roughly chop the jalapeno and remove all or some seeds. Roughly chop the cilantro.

Throw tomatoes, tomatillas, onion, jalapeno, garlic, and cilantro into a food processor and blend until you get the texture/consistency you want. --This is when I threw in the canned tomatoes.

Squirt in some lime juice, add a little salt and black pepper. Serve!

Helpful hint: You don't have to serve salsa with tortilla chips. Try fresh veggies or add it to your scrambled eggs!

Have you ever made your own salsa?


1 comment:

  1. Jen, your salsa is always excellent- thank you for the recipe! I always enjoy grating lime and a squeeze of fresh lime juice when making mine. It is a versatile food item, indeed!
